SHPOA members, your board of trustees works closely with the Borough administration to provide information of value to all property owners in Stone Harbor. You will have recently seen the presentation provided by the Borough discussing the 2017 Borough and Utility budget (a link to this presentation was previously posted to the SHPOA Facebook site and can also be accessed directly from the Borough website). We understand that the Mayor and the Borough administration are committed to the development of to developing a Long Term Financial Plan and an analysis of the long-term capital needs of the Borough and the resources that may be available to finance such needs, including debt borrowings this regard, SHPOA has prepared a brief summary of the current and historic position of the Borough and Utility as to debt balances and the current debt service requirements as well as a look at the sources of financing of 2017 capital expenditures. This information is summarized from the annual debt statements prepared by the Borough as required to comply with State information requirements. We hope you find this information a useful supplement to the Borough 2017 budget presentation. SHPOA has prepared an analysis of the 2017 Budget which you can view here.