As a courtesy to our SHPOA Members, we’re bringing you a summary of each Stone Harbor Work Session and Council Meeting. Intended as summaries, these intentionally don’t have a lot of details and are not a substitute for the official Borough minutes.
Work Session
Flood Mitigation
Community Rating System (CRS) update – In his CRS update, Ray Poudrier (also the building official) said the forms used by real estate agents for transfers are being updated and will be put on the Borough website as soon as available. Revised permits for home improvements over $10,000 will ask for some new data elements.
Borough Engineer Marc DeBlasio stated the Stone Harbor Point survey and conditions mapping project is finished and will soon be uploaded for use.
Acting Borough Administrator Manny Parada said the Borough could gain CRS points for the flood mitigation information recently provided.
Police Chief Thomas Schutta and attorney Steve Morris are working on the wording of ordinances designed for better control of smoking on beaches as well as curbing disruptive behaviors in these areas.
Audit and Dark Web
CFO Jim Craft reported that the audit has been extended into September. A Borough account number showed up on the dark web; appropriate measures have been taken.
Permits and Projects
Poudrier cited a rise in construction and zoning permits, as well as title transfers in the 112th Street subdivision. The Borough engineer stated the applications to the state Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) are complete; he expects to get the permits within 90 days for work on 111th to 114th Streets.
The Army Corps of Engineers and the Borough will meet concerning work on 96th Street and the possibility of a grant for this project. Also, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has awarded Stone Harbor two grants of $157,000 each for flood mitigation work from 80th to 88th Streets and 89th Street to 99th Streets.
Acting Administrator and Public Works Director Manny Parada plans to bring a resolution to the next meeting asking the state Department of Transportation for state aid for work on Second Avenue.
Councilmember Reese Moore led a discussion on the “pedestrian scramble” walking/crossing pattern proposed for the intersection of Third Avenue and 96th Street which could be implemented this year or next. Councilmember Jennifer Gensemer suggested that the project be moved up because of the daily risk of accidents.
The beach replenishment project is underway.
The stormwater pilot project also is underway to control flooding. The Borough has found a need to replace some initial valves to control backflow on three streets.
The Ten-Year Capital Planning Project is underway. It’s been given to all department heads for their input, then it will be rolled up into the long-term, improved planning tool.
The Park Mobile program is in effect at previously metered locations. The Borough is negotiating with Park Mobile to waive a $.30 charge to extend time.
The trash/recycling center is being so well used, that it’s full almost every morning.
DEP is requiring that when the Borough replaces trees, it does not replace them with trees with heavy leaves like sycamores or magnolias. The leaves can damage sewers.
Parada listed many of the projects his people have done recently such as flushing the hydrants regularly, cleaning storm drains, preparing a water quality document for July 1, and preparing a lead pipe service report for the DEP.
This water quality work 96would probably involve using the IBank (NJ Infrastructure Bank) which has favorable rates. Funds could be used for our street upgrade plans and for the removal of lead service lines. Public Works does a great deal more work with in-house employees than many municipalities and businesses, so our people have a wide variety of skills, Parada said. Councilmember Bunny Parzych stated that the Borough should increase the starting pay in the next budget year.
Council Meeting
Borough Council approved SHPOA’s 5k Race for August 20, 2023.
Members also approved several pieces of legislation including two budget amendments; increases for Beach Patrol and seasonal employees; authorizing four club or Plenary Consumption liquor licenses; authorizing the purchase of PD camera equipment; authorizing two professional services contracts; recognizing the substantial donation of the Larry L. Luing family to the Cape Regional Health System; several refunds; authorizing some temporary parking; approval to determine form and details needed for the sale of $7.5 million worth of water bonds; approval for Borough to go to bid for hotel/motel beach sheds. William Righter was appointed Zoning Board Alternate II.
A closed session was held concerning possible litigation regarding lot grading. When that concluded, there being no public comments, the meeting concluded.
For legislation discussed at the meeting, please see:
For a video of the meeting, please click:
To read past Stone Harbor Council Meeting summaries, please click here:
To watch recordings of past meetings, please click here: